Design Process:

Define Brief

Developing the project brief where key objectives are outlined, design and construction programmes are formed, and a budget is agreed upon.

Schematic Design

Gathering and refining initial ideas to form a unique design concept. Sketches, preliminary plans and material swatches are presented to communicate design Intent.

Design Development

Developing the schematic ideas into a fully functional design solution, including spatial planning, joinery design and the selection of finishes, fittings and lighting.

Construction Documentation

Preparing a comprehensive documentation package for relevant approvals, certification, pricing and construction.


Sending out your project drawings to tender with builders and contractors, as well as acting as your agents to facilitate all negotiations.

Construction Admin

Overseeing the construction phase once build is underway to resolve any issues that arise. We conduct regular site meetings tracking progress against agreed timeframes and documentation.

FF&E Selection

Selecting bespoke and project Specific furniture, rugs, art and accessories. We also thoughtfully integrate existing possessions with new purchases.